021 263 2633 brent@safework.nz



Brent Rice – Director of Safe Work NZ Ltd (formerly Worksafe Services Ltd)

“We can arguably say that we’re an authority in health and safety – due to the number of clients and organisations who have sought our advice and implemented our processes.

Over time, we’ve built relationships with contractors, companies, organisations, both large and small, and most have implemented our processes.

Why? simply because the processes are practical and make sense – from the company director to the person who cleans up after everyone else (which occasionally is the same person 😉 

35 of our clients have been audited by Worksafe NZ inspectors – and all have been satisfied with the processes in place. 

I blame my Irish heritage for spending a lot of time in court – and enjoying it – so I understand what is required to keep you out of trouble.

Regardless of whether we do business or not, it would be my privilege to spend 30 minutes our time to talk about your needs.”

My philosophy is simple. Leave you better informed to make the right decision for you”

By your side - anytime we're needed

Brenda Christian – Financial Controller 

From Auckland to London and back again, two degrees while raising 3 great kids, and the voice of calm in the hectic world of this business. Backbone!

Another way to look at it

Demystifying the Health and Safety Act with Professional Insights

How does the Health and Safety Act apply to your business? With very few exceptions, if you conduct work within New Zealand, the HSWA of 2015 applies to you and your workers. It is no longer enough to simply monitor the health of workers and to keep a record of adverse incidents in the workplace. Instead, WorkSafe determined that a wholesale change was necessary to continue protecting workers throughout the nation. 

The result is a new process that places a bigger emphasis on risk identification and mitigation. When workers better understand risk and how it impacts their ability to work safely, the facts and figures show that workplace injuries and deaths decrease. At Worksafe Services, our experienced team is here to help you understand how to develop and implement a system that will keep your employees safer for years to come. 

What You Should Know About the Health and Safety at Work Act

Whether you’re starting a new business, or you’re concerned that you aren’t fully in compliance with the new health and safety law, understanding your obligations is essential. There’s good news, too: it is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. We provide a free informational pamphlet for prospective clients, but first, here are a few of the most important things to know about the HSWA:

  • “Risk” is the most important factor in the new guidelines. As part of our service, we will demystify what it means to assess and identify risks in the workplace. 
  • Virtually every business needs to have a plan that is HSWA compliant. 
  • Everyone is held responsible for safety in the business. From upper management all the way down to the employee on the job site, the HSWA lays out responsibilities for everyone. When we work together, we’re safer together, too.

What Makes Worksafe Services NZ a Reputable Option? 

Understanding how the HSWA affects your business is only the first step on the road towards compliance; formulating a plan comes next. When you have so many other responsibilities, that’s not always easy — and Worksafe Services can step up to help in such scenarios. Why choose our health & safety services?

  • Our experience. With time in several industries, we have over ten years of hands-on experience.
  • Our track record of success. More than a thousand New Zealand businesses can work safer because of our assistance. 
  • The way we go above and beyond for our clients. Not only do we take all the time necessary to formulate a robust safety plan for your business, but we offer training, implementation, and long-term support, too. 

From the experience of our lead consultant to our pledge to continue providing support for the lifetime of your business, Worksafe Services stands out as the clear choice for improving your safety record. 

Facts About H&S in Auckland

According to WorkSafe NZ , workers in New Zealand suffered more than 30,000 injuries that required extended time away from work during a one-year period from 2018 to 2019. Think of how much lost productivity that represents, not to mention the costs incurred for healthcare. By adhering to the rules laid out in the HSWA, we can all do our part to drive that number down. Request your free consultation with the Worksafe Services team today.