021 263 2633 brent@safework.nz

A Few of our Clients and Testimonials


To Whom it May concern,

I have used WorkSafe Services to guide and assist us with our NZ requirements for contractors and depots.  Brent was able to tailor a system that met the needs of our business and our contractors in meeting compliance with NZ legislation, plus increasing the awareness and knowledge of the contractors through electronic means.  I have no hesitation in recommending WorkSafe Services (Brent Rice) for any Health and Safety assistance.

Andrew Wilson

(former)  EHS Snr Manager Pepsico ANZ

Hi Brent

Letting you know that we’ve just sold our business. The health and safety package you set up all that time ago was an integral part of the due diligence and decision making process. The new owners well be in touch with you at some point. Thanks for all you work.

Scott Seafood
(Wholesale and retail fish supply)

Hi Brent

Thought would let you know for the month of October there was a massive change in the installers work attitude and safety and everyone scored top points and have earned their reward which will be held at end of month…Each person scored 4 (Highly Competent)..

Job well done in my eyes

Eddie Yates
Mint Auckland
(Insulation Installers)

Dear Brent,

We are delighted to advise that ellen&company have been named winner of the 2017 AUT Business School Excellence in Business Awards for Design and Creative Technology Support. This award recognises our contribution to the growth of our clients’ business and the intellectual property that supports our service offer.  (Details of the award are outlined in the attached press release and our photo of the awards ceremony).

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support, both to us and to our clients, which has contributed to our success.  We look forward to our next opportunity to work together.

The work we did with you was invaluable for this Award as there was a lot of business process required and a section devoted to Health & Safety!

Kind regards
Ellen & Co
(Branding and Marketing)

Here are some of the organisations we give our time to


Hi Brent

just some feed back how your systems help a small business. Hope this may help for you as a example.

As a small New Zealand business its not easy to get reliable staff. All staff are put through the systems set in place by Brent and his team at Start Safe. On going training and keeping my team focused on safety is a priority

Recently one of my staff hit his head on a tree branch while doing some gardening. He reported the accident as required. However at that stage he felt ok other then a slight chip on one of his teeth and a saw bitten tongue. There seemed to be no other issues

First thing in the morning we went through our toll box meeting discussed how the accident happened, how he felt and how to avoid further accidents. That night he had not slept , as concussion can come on at a later stage after a knock to the head our procedures allowed us to make sure our work place was safe to continue to work or not. The reason for the incident was loss of focus at the end of a work day, thinking of after work activities not the job at hand. How ever with concerns of concussion I immediately took my staff member to the doctor. If my staff member had started work which includes physical heavy lifting, noise from equipment the situation may have become a serious maybe grave for him in a very a very quick time. Conclusion my staff member was identified with a case of concussion and spent the next week off work. He now focuses more on his tasks.

With out the processes in place the situation may have become a lot worse for my staff member, for my company and for my clients work place. A month on and as a result safety is taken very seriously but better still my staff focus on the job even more than ever..

Fine Gardens

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