021 263 2633 brent@safework.nz

Recently I woke up at 4am thinking how blessed I am, then harked back 12 months ago when things weren’t so good. A business and a personal relationship had soured and was very consuming. The recent deaths of two old work colleagues (one by suicide) made me think about what got me through that period of time.
I write this hoping it may help anyone going through a rough patch.

1. Surround yourself with WHANAU who love you for who you are. (we all need encouragement)
2. Join a supportive EXERCISE group (exercise is the number one anti-depressant!) and EAT WELL – abs are made in the kitchen (say bye bye to sugar and processed carbs – without getting religious about it)
3. Be HAPPY in your WORK (productivity increases on average 15% if you’re happy at work – show your boss this stat!) and have more MONEY coming in than going out (get to know your numbers and you’ll get very creative!)
4. Deal with your ADDICTION by finding a support group (one third of families in Aotearoa are affected by alcohol, drugs, poor food, The Block….lol)
5. Be on a SPIRITUAL journey to find the God of your understanding (my God is not sending me or anybody else to Hell – the Big Fella just tells me to be kind, even to those who dont like me)
6. Have people in your life to DIE for (there are wolves out there who prey on people you know, so be a good shepherd)
7. Finally be present in, and ENJOY the next 24 hours – it could be your last in this lifetime. (life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured…Arohanui