021 263 2633 brent@safework.nz

Vaccinations in Your Workplace

Legal considerations: Any collecting, storing, sharing of information must be done in accordance with the Privacy Act. A person has the right to refuse medical treatment under the Bill of Rights Act. A worker has to disclose their vaccination status where their work...

So called ‘Safety Organisations’ in the construction arena are calling a truce to end turf wars – apparently to make the industry safer. This announcement made just before Workplace Relations Minister Iain Lees-Galloway made an announcement to clear...


Escalation…. the quiet killer. You’re on a job and someone asks to do something outside your scope. What do you do? a 10 year study in Finland discovered that this type of event was attributed to 41% of all deaths and serious harm incidents over that...

Good Posture adds Benefits

Excellent article on the soon-to-be major health and safety issue in the office space….. https://elemental.medium.com/good-posture-matters-even-more-than-you-think-fac02fd575ad